2 Book Lovers Reviews

Last Christmas

By David Moody & Wayne Simmons

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​I’ve been waiting for the right time to take a bite out of Last Christmas. It is the type of story that I like to read to help get me into the holiday spirit.

Last Christmas was a quick fun trip into a zombie riddled office Christmas party, oh, we can only hope. I think that Moody and Simmons really enjoyed creating this tale; the enthusiasm comes shining through.

As a short it’s hard to build a lot of depth and background to the characters, the authors did a fantastic job of using the time and space that they had to really focus on those that mattered, the fodder were… well, fodder; I didn’t need to know much about them. Howard Stanton was fantastic: stuck in a job he felt overqualified for, working when everyone else was having a blast, just wanting to get back to Die Hard. How could a reader not connect with Howard (we are on a first name basis).

The whole point of Last Christmas was to have a good time at the party. I was there, so were some of my co-workers, we didn’t all make it out alive (reader's choice – I’m not naming names). Last Christmas did exactly what it was supposed to do.

*4.5 Stars