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The Hitchcock Hotel

By Stephanie Wrobel

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

A hotel dedicated to Alfred Hitchcock mixed with a reunion of friends – this story has all the makings of a fantastic suspense novel.

I really don’t know if there is much new that can be done in the suspense/thriller genre. The same tropes appear over and over again – the originality is in the presentation and the characters. The talent is in the surprise. The Hitchcock Hotel is a classic who-done-it; a group of old friends gather together for a reunion of sorts. Predictably, someone must die. Who, how and by whom are the questions that need to be revealed.

Wrobel had a great cast of characters; all might not be as hunky-dory as the synopsis might lead you to believe; everyone has secrets and a motive, but what about means and opportunity? The Hitchcock Hotel is a guessing game. Wrobel does a great job of keeping her cards close and her ideas move you from one suspect to another. It truly is a character-driven story.

Like all great who-done-its; the reveal is unexpected. It always helps to have an I-didn’t-see-that-one-coming experience. While there were certain parts of the story that dragged, it was a good reading experience.

*4 Stars