2 Book Lovers Reviews

​​​There is something magical about Dean Koontz’s writing. The vocabulary he uses in his descriptions, the details he adds to his characters’ actions, just the way he tells his stories. The Other Emily only reinforced my opinion of Dean Koontz’s skill.

To anyone who's ever said that life is stranger than fiction, have you read The Other Emily? The thought process, the creativity behind this story is second to none. Koontz hooked me early on and really never let me go. I constantly had this feeling of what the hell is going on. My thoughts were all over the place with the endless possibilities.

This book is filled with an incredible cast of characters. Koontz put a great deal of thought into each and every single one, ensuring that they enhanced the story. I opted for the Audible version of the book and I have to admit that MacLeod Andrews’ performance was perfect. He brought each and every single character to life with their own personality.

Despite my love of The Other Emily, I did have a couple of annoyances with the story; very minor things, they really didn’t take away from the story, but I feel a need to vent. First of all, how come writers seem to make their protagonists writers? I get the fact that you write what you know. But come on, I refuse to believe that all writers are incredibly handsome, deadly with a shoelace and a stick of bubble gum and have the knowledge of a nuclear physicist.

Then there was the ending. The problem with creating such a masterpiece of what the hell is going on is that the great reveal will always let you down. Throughout The Other Emily my head was constantly spinning, trying to figure out how all of this came to be. When it all came out, I was a bit underwhelmed; I had so many other great ideas.

Despite the letdown at the end, I loved The Other Emily and highly recommend it.

*5 Stars

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The Other Emily

By Dean Koontz