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36 Righteous Men

 By Steven Pressfield

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

​​Steven Pressfield has put his own unique twist on the apocalypse/future that we are hurdling towards.  Set in the not too distant future, Pressfield’s characters are not only dealing with a bloodthirsty killer, but also the natural elements that have evolved and are out of control.

36 Righteous Men is a book of layers.  It is a murder mystery slash thriller mixed up with futuristic environmental touches and a flash of religious fiction.  I truly appreciated how Pressfield put all of these elements together without shoving the environmental aspect down my throat from a soapbox.

The style of 36 Righteous Men was innovative.  Told from our protagonist’s perspective, it was almost as if she were recounting the story after the fact.  The dialogue was minimal, almost treated as an aside from the story itself.  This captivated my interest as it was new and different.

Pressfield constructed an interesting, uniquely presented novel with some captivating characters.  I enjoyed my time spent in this world.

*4 Stars