Alien: Out of the Shadows


By Tim Lebbon

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

​As a Tim Lebbon fan, I jumped at the free Audible Original Drama of Alien: Out of the Shadows.  This “radio play” was a great change of pace from the books I had been listening to.

Lebbon brought me back to the world of Alien, even the voice actor who did Ripley sounded similar enough to Sigourney Weaver.  This gave me a comfort/familiarity level that got me more involved, more quickly.  His story was creative, unique and well developed.

I had a couple of issues with this audio performance.  First was the sound quality.  I get that they were going for authenticity and I appreciate that, but at times it was difficult to follow the dialogue when the characters were speaking through their communications links.

I was additionally a tad disappointed that the big name, Rutger Hauer, had the smallest role.  I’m certain there are good reasons for it, but it’s a recognizable name and he is listed first in the credits on Goodreads.  You landed the big name, use it.

*3.5 Stars

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