The Soulmate
  By Sally Hepworth

I love a good thriller, and Sally Hepworth certainly knows how to write one that immediately grabs your attention.

Pippa and Gabe have survived some tumultuous times in their marriage, but they are soulmates, they are deeply in love, and soulmates can survive anything, right? Any romantic at heart would want to believe that. Mmhmm.

Relocating to a cliffside property in a small community seemed like the ideal way for this young family to start over. This cliffside property, however, came with a reputation and its own set of baggage as a spot that was known for suicides. Even in their short time there, Gabe had been able to talk a few people out of ending their lives. When yet another woman had arrived at the cliff’s edge, Gabe’s compassion and empathy weren’t enough to prevent her from going over into the rocky ocean below. Naturally, Gabe would be upset after witnessing anyone’s death, but as it turned out, she was someone that he knew.

The novel alternates between the past and present from Pippa’s perspective and the victim’s. This allows the reader to get a glimpse into Pippa and Gabe’s marriage, to see what had transpired, and what sparked their move. The victim’s perspective was also an interesting aspect to this novel. The chapters were kept quite short, keeping my interest and my curiosity piqued.

The Soulmate was an entertaining, fast-paced thriller. I never really trusted any of the characters, and in all honesty, I’m not sure if I really liked any of them either, but with this genre, I’m completely okay with that. Sally Hepworth always makes me feel like I am peeking through my fingers into the window of the characters’ houses, as if I’m trespassing and witnessing private moments. It always feels scandalous and so much fun.

*4 Stars

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