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In a world where history is written by the victors, it’s refreshing to get a different perspective on things. I think that we need to acknowledge that some really bad things were done that got us to where we are today. Call it “woke” or whatever you want, but I think that we have come to a point in time where we need to understand the whole picture of our shared past.
History isn’t always the most fun subject, I think that there have been a lot of dark times; some people like to romanticize about the past, but in reality, all of our forefathers have done and said things that just wouldn’t pass today.
I think that an author like Stephen Graham Jones is an asset to society in the current climate. In The Buffalo Hunter Hunter, he takes a long hard look at a time that really wasn’t that long ago, a really dark time for how human beings treated other human beings, and he wraps it all up into a fictionalized story. It helps to get the other side of the story out there; it helps those of us who gained the benefits of the victors to understand the price that was paid by the vanquished.
Jones is putting it out there. This happened! My people did these things to his people. Unfortunately, what happened, happened; there is no changing that. But we cannot turn a blind eye to it. We cannot remove the books that are uncomfortable and only tell the stories that make the victor’s side look great. We need to reconcile our past. We need to be better. We need to make things right.
We need to stand up to people who want to allow the mistreatment of those different from us. We can be better than our ancestors.
*5 Stars