2 Book Lovers Reviews

This was my first book by Melanie Harlow.  What was I waiting for?!  There’s no better feeling than picking a book that hits you in all the right places.  Irresistible hit the mark for me. 

I was immediately pulled into the story and completely drawn to the characters.  It was an emotional, sexy, forbidden romance that flowed effortlessly and naturally.  It was an all-around entertaining reading experience.  It offered up plenty of moments that had my heart beating faster, had me laughing, and had me holding my breath in anticipation.  It wasn’t an overly angst-filled romance, but there were several times when my stomach was tied up in knots over what was transpiring – I love that feeling!

Mack is a single father to three daughters and the CFO of Cloverleigh Farms.  His life revolves around his girls and his career, without leaving too much time to focus on his own needs.  Luckily, Mack has a part-time nanny who helps to ease some of the pressure for him.  Frannie adores Mack’s three daughters, and they adore her.  But the adoration doesn’t stop there.  Frannie and Mack’s attraction seems to grow stronger whenever they’re in the same vicinity, but Mack knows that he doesn’t have time for anyone else in his life, and he definitely shouldn’t get involved with his boss’s youngest daughter.

I was in Frannie and Mack’s corner right from the get-go.  And Mack’s three daughters?  Adorable.  They were definitely an additional highlight to this story.  There was nothing forced about the relationships or the emotions in this novel.  Mack’s feelings were completely normal.  He got frustrated, felt pulled in different directions.  He wanted to do right by everyone, but his own needs got pushed to the sidelines.  He wasn’t the perfect dad – he was flawed and relatable.  In my opinion, this made him more appealing.  There is nothing more attractive than a man who is devoted to being a good father. 

Irresistible was a delightful read that tugged at my heartstrings and made me all mushy inside (and that’s not always an easy feat).  I’m still shaking my head that it’s taken me so long to read a book by Melanie Harlow, but better late than never.  I will definitely be reading more books by her in the near future.

*4.5 Stars



By Melanie Harlow

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