The one thing that I have learned from reading Sally Hepworth’s novels is that you better dedicate some good reading time for them, because you will not be able to put them down once you start. Oh, sure, you can try to fool yourself by saying that you will just sit down and read one or two chapters, but you’re just lying to yourself. Set aside the time, put your chores on the backburner, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Darling Girls grabbed me right from the get-go. This was a Mommie Dearest (Joan Crawford) story in foster care. We see these three girls as adults, trying their best to navigate their lives, but we also get to witness their time in foster care and see the horrific things these children had to endure. Of course, with their histories, they’ve each had a great deal of issues to overcome, and they are still in the process of overcoming them. Hepworth created a great cast of characters. Nobody could pick up this book and honestly say that they didn’t feel for Jessica, Norah (without a T), and Alicia. For different reasons, these girls were put in foster care, which is bad enough, but to be put in the care of Miss Fairchild, well, that was downright abusive.

My heart broke for the characters, I was certainly angry on their behalf, but I did find myself laughing a fair bit as well. Norah was an interesting character. Did she always do the right thing? No. Did she manipulate? Yes. Did she think that violence could solve her problems? Well…yes. Again, she didn’t always make the most conventional decisions, but she also didn’t have an easy life, and I thought she was absolutely intriguing.

These women were like sisters. They didn’t have to be blood-related to feel the bond between them. And when bones are discovered underneath their foster home and they are brought in for interrogation, well, you just know that these three will do whatever it takes to be there for one another.

Darling Girls was a riveting page-turner. I was never really sure how the story was going to unfold, it had a twist that I didn’t see coming, and that is exactly what I want in a story of this genre. Whenever I am in the mood for a thriller, I know that a novel by this author is sure to deliver.

*4 Stars


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    2 Book Lovers Reviews

Darling Girls
  By Sally Hepworth