2 Book Lovers Reviews

My Top Books of 2021!

That time of year is here again, that season when we look back and have a long hard look at what happened over the past twelve months. We think about the good times, the bad times, and all those times we really deserved a pat on the back for not doing what went through our heads when we talked to that person…we all have at least one and we know who they are.

What a year!

Through all of the ups and downs, the isolation, the lockdowns and canceled…well, canceled everything; even book releases were pushed back! Through all of that I had my books to take me away, some to some better places, others made me appreciate how good we have it in the here and now.

It’s times like this when I like to look back at my past year of reading and remember the books that really hit me in the right spot; some are new, some are old, but they were all new to me in 2021. Some were on my Kindle, and some were Audibles, but I went on all of those adventures. Here are my favorites from 2021. Here’s wishing everyone happy reading in 2022 and may your next book be a new favorite.

*These books are not in order of preference.