2 Book Lovers Reviews

Murder Your Employer:

The McMasters Guide to Homicide

By Rupert Holmes

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Let’s be honest, we have all been there. You know that boss who is constantly on your you-know-what, the one that always criticizes and takes credit for all of your hard work. Life would be so much better without them, wouldn’t it? Rupert Holmes knows how to get a reader’s attention.

This is a brilliantly written and crafted book. Holmes lays before his readers a book about murder that is filled with laughs. The murderers are the good guys, well, because the targets deserve it. The creation of the McMasters Conservatory for the Applied Arts is so off the wall that it borders on brilliance. His take on murder, or “deletion,” as he refers to it, is so well developed. The characters deletion plots are so intricate. This is a book that took a lot of thought into the process and presentation.

Holmes has given us a great cast of characters. Each one moves the story forward and has an important role, despite the length of their appearance. There are characters to connect with and others that need to be deleted as soon as you meet them. It's a sure sign of a great author who can give this kind of importance to all of their characters.

As soon as I saw that Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) was narrating the book, I was all in on the Audible. This puts me at fault for my sole disappointment. Cliff Iverson is not Barney Stinson, and Neil Patrick Harris is talented well beyond one character; I was expecting Stinson’s sarcasm and humor, I was left waiting for it. That’s not to say that Harris didn’t do a great job, he did. I went in with a preconceived idea. But the real credit goes to Simon Vance, he got second billing but did all the heavy lifting.

This is a story that went by quickly, with characters that I could spend more time with. It did everything that you would want from a book about murder, and more.

*5 Stars