​​This was the first time that I’ve ever been creeped out by a Colleen Hoover book, but I loved this side of her writing!  It was everything that you could want from a thriller.  It was clever, gripping, suspenseful, and horrifying.  I never thought that I would use the word “horrifying” to describe one of her books, but that’s exactly what it was.

Verity grabbed me from the beginning and kept me completely engrossed until the end.  I wanted to keep reading it, but at times I felt as though I had to read it while peeking through my fingers.  When Lowen Ashleigh was overcome with worry about reading more of Verity’s autobiography, I was right there beside her, urging her on while being filled with my own anxiety over the disturbing contents that were going to be discovered.  Despite knowing that it was going to be nothing short of shocking and extremely troubling, I couldn’t quite tear myself away from it.

If you’re already a fan of Colleen Hoover’s writing, you will undoubtedly enjoy this book as well.  The story is unlike anything that I’ve ever read by her.  She is a pro at creating interesting, unique characters, and while you may not fall in love with the characters in Verity, you will certainly  feel something for them! 

I’m not going to get into the details of the story.  This book is a real trip.  It is everything that I’ve come to expect from a book by Colleen Hoover:  smart, well-written, and addictive.  It’s also devious, twisted, and had my stomach tied up in knots.  As a reader who likes to put herself in the characters’ shoes, I was left reeling over what was uncovered.  Trust me, take the plunge and read Verity

*5 Stars

  By Colleen Hoover

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