2 Book Lovers Reviews

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Sophie Kinsella’s books never fail to bring a smile to my face. The Party Crasher has all of the wit, heart, and quirky characters that I have come to expect and love from her books.

Effie is heartbroken when she finds out that her family home is being sold.  It was bad enough when her parents decided to divorce after so many years of marriage, but now Effie and her siblings would no longer be able to go and visit the house, share holiday meals there, and just bask in all of its eclectic charm.  It doesn’t matter if Effie is an adult, it still hurts.

When her father and his new, younger girlfriend decide to throw a final party at the family home, Effie is beside herself.  She hasn’t been in much contact with her father, she doesn’t get along with his new love interest, nor does she want to go and celebrate and bid farewell to the house. The only thing that is pushing her to go is so that she can retrieve her beloved Russian nesting dolls.

The whole story takes place over the course of a couple of days.  The book is centered around the party at the family home, and it’s not just your average get-together, not at all. No expense was spared for this shindig. While Gus and Bean, Effie’s siblings, were going to be in attendance, Effie decided to stay away.  Well, maybe “stay away” isn’t quite the right way to put it. Effie was going to go to the party to find her Russian dolls and then get out (or escape), preferably without being noticed by the other guests. The Russian dolls may not be the only thing that Effie comes away with from this event.

You can probably imagine what ensued. To say that Effie’s grand plan went without incident would be completely inadequate. There was a great deal of chaos, mishaps, and plenty of humor and heart à la Sophie Kinsella. A party is not a real party without a bit of mayhem, right? Right.

The Party Crasher was an entertaining read. It had family dysfunction (but, really, whose family doesn’t have a bit of dysfunction?), a good amount of humor, and a touch of romance. Sophie Kinsella is a must-read author for me, and I’m already looking forward to discovering what story she will come up with next.

*4 Stars



The Party Crasher

By Sophie Kinsella