2 Book Lovers Reviews

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I wasn't quite sure what to expect from The Butterfly Crest.  I really do not know my Japanese mythology. Typically I prefer my mythology of the Greco-Roman variety with a side of Norse or Egyptian.  I was shocked, delighted and impressed where Eva Vanrell went with this story.

Eva Vanrell has a gift for description, covering every detail, not only allowing you to see the room, but to actually place yourself within it.  All of the colors, the textures, the fabrics, my entire surroundings were precisely laid out before me.  I was even brought back to places I have visited in the past.

While reading The Butterfly Crest I reached a watershed moment, I won't say when, but it did involve a road to hell. I said to myself, "Holy goat balls!  She is writing a Homeric Epic!".  In all reality it is more in the style of Virgil, something planned out with intricate detail and purpose, designed to bring us to a final point.  The form, the genealogies, the heroic quests and the self sacrifice all lead to Virgil.  This wasn't just a well researched book, she really knows her stuff.  And to top it all off, the divine parent in The Butterfly Crest would be a hell of a lot more fun to hang with on a Friday night than Aeneas' mom.

I'm not giving anything away when I tell you that there is more to come from this author, and I, for one am looking forward to it.  If you're like me and love a great new, fresh look at the Greek gods then you need to read The Butterfly Crest.

​4 Stars

The Butterfly Crest 

By Eva Vanrel