Over the past few years, I have been having a fantastic time traveling through Northern Europe by means of translated novels. This is my first venture into Germany, for a good old fashioned crime novel.
I was immediately intrigued by the synopsis. I love a dark crime story, especially one that goes back through time. Of course, you have the prerequisite rookie detective and veteran curmudgeon detective; this usually brings a great level of tension and/or comic relief.
The plot was excellent and the cast of characters exceptionally well developed. Throughout the story there was something that just wasn’t clicking with me. I had a difficult time putting my finger on it. In the end, I think it was the translation. The vocabulary seemed to be a little base, not as varied and colorful as I am accustomed to finding in the books that I read. It’s funny how the vocabulary can put a damper on the enjoyment and involvement in a story.
The saving grace of Time Heals No Wounds is the brilliant plot twist of Hendrik Falkenberg. I. Did. Not. See. That. Coming! An unforeseen surprise ending always helps to bring a story up a couple of notches.
So, in the end, my trip to the dark crime scene of Germany was a good one. Time Heals No Wounds is a great story with a jaw-dropping ending. Unfortunately, I think there was something lost in translation.
*4 Stars
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