The Women in the Walls

By Amy Lukavics

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

Amy Lukavics has a knack for grabbing my attention.  As soon as I finished reading the first chapter, I told my wife to grab the sample and just try to resist.  The Women in the Walls reminded me of Barney Stinson’s Get Psyched mixed tape, it grabs you and never lets you down.

Lukavics created a curious cast of characters.  We follow Lucy Acosta throughout the story.  She is one screwed up cookie, but may very well be the most “normal” character in the book.  This point of view worked exceptionally well for me; the mystery unravelled as Lucy discovered the secrets of her family home.  The supporting cast added to the insanity surrounding the Acosta family.

This is my second venture into the twisted mind of Amy Lukavics.  I’m starting to wonder if, like M. Night Shyamalan, she likes to put her own little twists into the closing moments of her books.  I love how she ends her books, will they all leave me like this?  I’ll have to do some more reading to know for sure.

Technically, The Women in the Walls is classified as a YA book.  I know that I’m not their target market; I just refuse to limit my reading to any one particular genre.  There are so many incredible authors out there, spread over all of the genres, why should I limit my own options?  Explore other genres, you never know what you just might find.

*4.5 Stars

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