The Voyage of Odysseus 

By Glyn Iliffe

We are finally here, The Voyage of Odysseus - The Odyssey of Homer retold in a modern style.  This is the one that I have been waiting for since I first met Eperitus back in the King of Ithaca.

This is book 5 in The Adventures of Odysseus series, needless to say, I enjoy Glyn Iliffe’s writing.  There is something special about how he has taken this ancient sage and made it fresh, exciting and new.

The Odyssey is probably the best known work of Homer.  I can only imagine that it is a daunting task to retell this story and keep everyone happy.  In my opinion, Glyn Iliffe has once again worked his magic in breathing new life into this epic tale.  He has made the trials of Odysseus tangible and real.  Through Eperitus, we see the real decisions made by the King of Ithaca, the good ones and the bad.  The Epic Hero of Homer’s Odyssey had become a real man, one who makes mistakes that cost good men their lives and cost him the faith and confidence of his men.

I thought that this was going to be it; that I would see Odysseus arrive home to his wife and son.  From day one I wondered what would happen to Eperitus.  Does he get back to Ithaca?  Does Eperitus get his happily ever after?  But no!  Glyn Iliffe has another book up his sleeve.  When an author makes you care about the characters this much and makes you crave the next book, he is doing something right. 

*4.5 Stars

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