About Davis Bunn

Davis Bunn is a four-time Christy Award-winning, best-selling author now serving as writer-in-residence at Regent's Park College, Oxford University in the United Kingdom.

Defined by readers and reviewers as a "wise teacher," "gentleman adventurer," "consummate writer," and "Renaissance man," his work in business took him to over 40 countries around the world, and his books have sold more than seven million copies in sixteen languages.

Visit Davis at davisbunn.com or theturningbook.com/

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The Turning

By Davis Bunn

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The message was unexpected but instantly recognizable.

A voice resonated from a distance and somehow from within. Against all earthly logic, it carried a divine command. And five very different people knew they were summoned to obey.

Their actions were demanding, but not particularly grand. Only later would they see a pattern emerge - one that links their tasks together and comes to challenge the cultural direction of the nation. They realize that one small personal response unveiled a new realm of moral responsibility. And this affirmation of everyday hope captures the attention of millions.

But power and money are at stake. Malicious elements soon align themselves to counter the trend. To succeed they must also undermine its source. Can we really believe that God speaks to people today? Surely this must be dismissed as superstition or delusion. These well-intentioned but misguided individuals should not be allowed to cast our society back into the Dark Ages.

The public debate and media frenzy place an unprecedented spotlight on knowing and doing God's will. The five encounter threats, but try to remain steadfast in their faith. Had God indeed imparted wisdom on selected individuals? Is this sweep of events part of his divine purpose?

The movement may herald a profound renewal - one that some are calling The Turning...

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

About The Turning

ISBN (Trade Paperback): 978-0802411686

304 pages

April 1, 2014 from River North, a division of Moody Publishers http://theturningbook.com/

My Review

The Turning is an inspirational story of how God can influence the lives of “ordinary” people, to create selfless heroes who can stand up to the corporate greed that is so prevalent in our times and “preaches” to the lowest common denominator. Through the strength of God, these five people step out of their “comfort zones” to challenge a power far greater than each one individually.

I have to say that The Turning was outside of my own “comfort zone”. Having read the Lion of Babylon, I was intrigued by Davis Bunn’s writing and I jumped at the opportunity to read The Turning. Most of the Christian fiction that I have read in the past has been on the “darker” side, challenging my beliefs. It was fresh and exhilarating to read something so different, approaching faith from a far more positive point of view.

Davis Bunn creates characters who are real, these people are our friends, family, co-workers and neighbors. Through their faith in God, they become heroes. This is something that I have always loved about his writing, there is no Hollywood hero; Davis Bunn leaves the reader with the feeling, “Yes, that could be me…” although at the same time I would have to push myself beyond. But really, isn’t that what faith and God are there to help us with? God does not give us a challenge that he knows we cannot fulfill.

All in all I enjoyed The Turning, it pushed me and made me think about myself and God’s influence in my life. It is a book that strangely made me feel “peaceful” as I read it. I was left wondering where John’s next “Turning” would lead.

4 Stars

I received a complimentary copy of The Turning from River North Fiction in exchange for my honest review.