2 Book Lovers Reviews

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The Red Queen's Run 

By Bourne Morris

The Red Queen's Run is a traditional whodunnit.  The dean of the journalism school has had a suspicious death, through their investigation the police have determined that it is a homicide. Meredith "Red" Solaris has not only lost a good friend and her boss, but now she has been thrown into the lion's den with a killer at large.  With the help of the lead police detective she must discover Henry's killer or she may be next.

I always have a heck of a time with reviews like this.  The story did exactly what it was supposed to do.  It started off with a bang (i.e. the murder).  There was a good list of very devious suspects and a little bit of a love story tossed in, to keep the ladies happy.  The story was professionally written, little or no typos, perfect formatting and with a general good flow.

My problem with The Red Queen's Run was that I just didn't connect with any of the characters.  For me, it is important to connect, to care, otherwise it takes away from the tension and suspense that are essential to a great whodunnit.

What I really did enjoy was the office dynamics of the university professors.  I spent several years in university myself, I had no idea that the professors were on worse behavior than the students. Bourne Morris has done an excellent job of describing the politics of a university department and the childish antics of these scholarly individuals.

The Red Queen's Run is a good whodunnit and gives a unique perspective into a world that is mostly unseen.

​3.5 Stars