This is the second book in The Hunger series.

Okay, so I thought that Devoured was great, well Consumed was GREAT!!! I love it when an author keeps upping the ante in a series and making me reset my rating standards. Whenever I had to put Consumed down (yes, I did have to put it down occasionally for things like work and sleep), I could not wait to pick it back up again and continue with the story.

In Consumed, Lance advances and grows as a character into the man that I hoped he could become. Cassie also grows as a character, becoming less of a Vladdie killing machine and more of a softer caring human. I do believe that she would kick my butt for saying so…and she still is a kicka$$ Vladdie killing machine. These two are a great character combination.

The story itself was so well done, the action flowed and was described perfectly. Sometimes battle scenes don’t flow nicely, but Brant does an excellent job with these scenes. In the last half hour of the book, I could not stop reading! The battle scene was executed perfectly and I eagerly went from one page to the next to make sure that Cassie’s mission was a success.

The epilogue…Jason Brant, you nearly made me “ship my pants” (oh wait, that’s K-mart)!!! I hate/love it when an author does this to me. What is it? What happens? You’ll have to find out for yourself!

The next book that I read will have a very hard time following this series!

5 + Stars

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Consumed – By Jason Brant

    2 Book Lovers Reviews