2 Book Lovers Reviews

I was initially drawn to The New Aeneid Cycle by the kick-ass cover of A Shadow in the Flames (don’t kid yourself, covers matter), and the concept of a futuristic link to Aeneas and Diomedes (my favorite Greek hero – tough as hell and not a cry baby like that other so-called tough guy, Achilles).  Once on board, I was pulled into this world created by Michael G. Munz.

So now we find ourselves at book three.  Up to this point we have had more than a few developments that I did not see coming.  A Dragon at the Gate had an excellent blending of fast paced action (which I liked), techno mumbo jumbo (which I didn’t care for) and surprises that kept me involved until the end (that’s a good thing).

It was nice to meet back up with some of my old favorite characters, particularly Felix and Michael; but the author introduced some new characters, including Jade, who adds a few new levels to the series.  She was a very interesting character, to say the least.

A Dragon at the Gate was not without the occasional use of Michael G. Munz’s unique brand of humor.  It has been there all along with Felix, but Jade comes across as his sarcastic equal.

A Dragon at the Gate was a perfect way to finish a creative and inventive series.  If you are into dark, futuristic fiction with a great touch of humor, The New Aeneid Cycle is a fantastic series for you.

*4 Stars

A Dragon at the Gate

​(The New Aeneid Cycle #3)

By Michael G. Munz

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