What the hell was that?!

This book comes with a warning.  Read it.  Take it seriously.  It should either scare you off or intrigue you.

I am going to say right off the bat, David Owain Hughes is an immense talent in his genre; I just don’t know what to call that genre.  Is it horrotica, pycho-sexual deviance, or misunderstood people with evil toys?  You cannot simply label this sort of book.  It crosses so many lines and pushes every button imaginable.

David Owain Hughes is everything that I love about the direction of independent publishing, the bravery to put something out there that will offend, that will drive a semi through the barriers and do it all with a thoughtful, imaginative story that works.

This is my second meeting with Simone.  In Wind-Up Toy:  Broken Plaything, we get to delve a little bit further into his psyche.  What makes Simone tick?  What event(s) from his past make him the twisted necroincestopheliac (yes, I made that word up) that he is?  What this author has masterfully done is taken this despicable character and made him the victim – it just isn’t Simone’s fault.

I am looking forward to more great tales from David Owain Hughes and Simone.  Now please excuse me while I go wash my eyes out with rubbing alcohol.

*4 Stars

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Wind-Up Toy: Broken Plaything 

By David Owain Hughes

    2 Book Lovers Reviews