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The Sinner's Bargain
(Contracts & Deceptions #2) 
By Claire Contreras 

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

I couldn’t wait to read this book to find out what was going to happen next to Amara! This poor girl has had to sacrifice so much in her young life. How much more can this woman handle? She has had to give up her true love, her morals, and any semblance of the life that she knew. The Sinner’s Bargain picks right up where The Devil’s Contract left off…and it is a great conclusion to this series.

What did I enjoy about The Sinner’s Bargain?

First of all, I really liked Amara. She was a strong woman who put the needs of others before her own. I think we can all agree that that is an admirable trait. Then there is Colin. His love for Amara runs deep. Sure, he was a bit of an a$$ in the beginning of the book, but the love that he felt was still evident. Colin and Amara had great…no wait…..FANTASTIC chemistry! It was easy to get invested in their relationship and lives and want everything to work out for them. With that being said, their relationship was no ‘walk in the park’. Drama, angst, jealousy, lust, temptation, and danger make up the bulk of Colin and Amara’s relationship. There is never a dull moment!

Amara’s life gets thrust into a world that is beyond anything that she could’ve imagined. She has been dealt a bad hand and now has to hope that she can get herself through it all. The issues that she has had to experience are often heartbreaking…and I may have shed a tear or two.

If you are looking for a fast paced series that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then look no further. This series has great characters that you will love, and some that you will love to hate. Who can Amara trust? You will have to read it for yourself to find out.

*4 Stars*