Would I ever want Elise Duchamp to be my next door neighbor?
Oh. Hell. No!
Elise Duchamp was a notch in every man’s bedpost. If he was taken – it didn’t matter. If he was married – she didn’t care. She was a fantasy that could come true, a sure thing. She would sleep with almost any man who wanted her. She needed that connection, that feeling of being desired.
She knew what her reputation was in her hometown. She helped to make it what it was. She was honest with herself. She knew what she was and she lived accordingly. She wasn’t going to be anyone’s best friend, girlfriend, or confidante. She was a beautiful seductress who used her God given assets to get what she wanted.
With all of that being said, I actually liked Elise. Oh, I still wouldn’t want to hang out with her and be besties, but I felt so much sorrow for her. She came from a wealthy family, but wealth doesn’t always buy happiness. Her father was a verbally cruel man who used his words to hurt his family. Her mother lived to please her husband. She worked tirelessly to be the trophy wife that he deserved. Her mother and father both engrained in Elise, the importance of being beautiful and using it to her advantage. Her father also drilled it into her head that she was the cause of a lot of their problems. He made her believe that she poisoned and ruined those around her.
Elise didn’t want to ever feel an emotional connection to any man. She used them and that was that. When things became too clingy with any man she would call it quits. That was the safest bet.
When Elise meets Ryder, something shifts within her and her walls start to slowly crumble. Their relationship is anything but a smooth ride into the sunset. This book grabbed my attention from the first page and took me on one crazy journey to the very end. This was a very well written book that gave me just the right dose of drama, angst, cringe-worthy moments and interesting characters that I craved.
* 5 Stars *
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