2 Book Lovers Reviews

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 For this review, I am going to have to take a step back and put myself in the shoes of an aspiring author.  I’ve got some stories that I want to tell.  I’ve put endless hours of time and thought into these stories.  I want to know if I have it, that skill of an author to bring people into my world and make them feel what I feel.  How should I do this?  I’ll take these stories that I have and release them as a collection of short stories so that readers can get to know me as an author.

This really is a great idea.  Ashley Franz Holzmann has put together a great collection of horror stories.  He has demonstrated himself to be a very cerebral horror writer.  I really got a sense of what I would get from a full length novel.  And this is where I have my problem as a reader.  Ashely Franz Holzmann is a very talented writer, he has the ability to create fantastic characters and create enthralling worlds.  I just wanted more from them, a better connection to the characters and a fully developed story.  To put it bluntly, the short stories were too damn short.

It’s great to see new, talented authors venturing into the publishing world, who are willing to push the limits and try something different.  If you enjoy short horror stories, then The Laws of Nature would be perfect for you.  But if you’re like me, I’ll be looking forward to a full length novel from Ashley Franz Holzmann, one that I can really sink my teeth into.

*3.5 Stars​

The Laws of Nature

By Ashley Franz Holzmann