2 Book Lovers Reviews

The Dandelion
By Michelle Leighton

My curiosity level was at an all-time high as soon as I read the synopsis for The Dandelion.  I was fully aware that this was going to be an emotional read – there was absolutely no way around that, but I had to know how Michelle Leighton was going to tell Abi, Sam, and Sara’s story.

Abi just wanted to spend a few quiet months by the lake where her fondest memories took place.  She wanted to find some much needed peace while offering a helping hand in her former community.  Abi never expected her good deeds would go so far as granting a dying woman’s wish to spend time with her husband, love him, and help to raise his adorable daughter.  Would it be so difficult for Abi to love Sam again?

As a reader, I always try to put myself in the shoes of the characters that I’m reading about.  How would I be if I found myself in a similar situation?  Would I react the same way?  Well, this was a tough one.  I like to think of myself as a good person, but I came to the conclusion that I may not be quite as selfless as I would like to believe.  It didn’t matter which character’s shoes I was wearing, it was all incredibly difficult, awkward, and hurtful.  There was nothing easy or painless about this situation. 

I began reading The Dandelion one night and finished it the next.  I was invested in these characters’ lives.  I didn’t want to put it down while I was reading it – I needed to find out what was going to happen next.  To say that I was surprised by a few things that were revealed would be a definite understatement.  I knew that there were secrets that we weren’t privy to yet, but I didn’t expect it to go the route that it did.  I love it when that happens!

The Dandelion was an all-consuming reading experience.  I felt as though I was right there with the characters, sitting beside them on an Adirondack chair and listening to the waves lapping on the shore, and navigating the rough waters with them.  I was able to feel every emotion that they were experiencing as they were thrust into this unconventional situation.  My heart beat alongside of theirs, broke with theirs, and was put back together again.

As I mentioned earlier, I wondered how Michelle Leighton was going to tell this sensitive and emotional story.  She did it with the utmost care – eloquently and beautifully. 

*4.5 Stars

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