2 Book Lovers Reviews

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The Brightest Sunset
(The Darkest Sunrise Duet #2)
By Aly Martinez

While I will sometimes squeeze other books in between a duet or a series (just to mix things up a bit), I went right into this one as soon as I finished The Darkest Sunrise.  I was just too curious to find out what was going to happen to these characters. 

The second book in a duet is always difficult to review.  I want to discuss the specific parts that pulled me in or had me shaking my head in frustration, but I certainly don’t want to spoil anything for any future readers.  The Brightest Sunset picked right up where the first book left off – Phew!  Even though I had the twist figured out in the first book, I needed to know how these characters were going to navigate their new realities. 

What a heart-wrenching, torturous situation to be in.  But while it was certainly an unthinkable and extremely rare situation for Charlotte and Porter to find themselves in, amid all of the shock and upheaval, there was still a sense of relief and happiness.  Putting myself in each of their shoes, I could sympathize with them and feel the emotions running through them.  I may be in the minority here, but even despite his insensitive and brash behavior, I could feel for Brady as well.  Let’s be honest, his life had been completely upended over the last ten years too.  I know, I know, he wasn’t easy to like, but I still found myself trying to see things from his perspective and realizing how difficult it all was for him.

What I liked best about this book/duet was how quickly it pulled me in and had me invested in the characters.  I wanted them to find their way out of the darkness.  I hoped that they would be able to maneuver their way around the sensitive territory that they had found themselves in.  I enjoyed the love story that developed between Charlotte and Porter, however, I was even more drawn to the family dynamic that they were creating together, and to the beauty that was being derived from the darkest points in their lives.

While there were a couple of minor things that didn’t jive well with me, overall, I was satisfied with the way that the duet ended.  Aly Martinez created an interesting story complete with characters that I grew to care about more and more with every turn of the page.  Upon finishing the book, the only thing I wanted to do was give my own son a big hug. 

*4 Stars