2 Book Lovers Reviews

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Tainted Kiss 
(Watchers Kiss #1)
  By Sharon Kay

A strong, lethal commander who demands respect from his warriors, Arawn is all brawn, tactical skill, and power.  As a stoic leader who never shows weakness or emotion, he is unhinged to find himself at the bedside of one of his wounded warriors.  He needs to be close to her, to know that she is recovering from a near death battle.  There is something about Ria that just calls to Arawn, that brings a sense of calm to his life.  He discovers that he needs that feeling that she inspires.

Ria is a fabulous character.  She is strong, intelligent, feisty, and a warrior that can rival any male counterpart.  Ria was injured in battle, but she isn’t about to sit in a corner and pity herself.  Oh no, she is itching to get back to her duties, to prove that she is fit and healthy enough to be back in the field doing what she does best. 

Ria has had feelings for Arawn for a long time.  When she realizes that he had been a daily visitor during her recovery, she is confused as to why he would stop his important duties just to see to her.  He has been her unobtainable fantasy for many years.  Not only is he her commander, but it is also known that he had been mated to a female long ago. 

The relationship that develops between Arawn and Ria is raw, passionate, and intense.  They end up needing each other more than they could have ever imagined.  She is the one who is able to bring out Arawn’s vulnerable side.  Despite the chemistry that is abounding between them, Arawn has a secret that could destroy Ria’s feelings for him, as well as shatter the respect of his fellow warriors and Lash demons.  He knows that he needs to be honest with her, but he doesn’t want to lose the only woman that he has loved in centuries.

Apart from the love story in Tainted Kiss, it is also an action packed adventure that is filled with magic, spells, and mystery.  It is a fast paced story that grabbed my interest very early in the book and kept me entertained throughout.  This is a very well written book that is sure to please any reader who enjoys  paranormal romance.  Tainted Kiss is a great start to what is promising to be a fantastic new series. 

*4.5 Stars*