2 Book Lovers Reviews

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Stolen Breaths was a beautiful debut novel by a very promising author who was able to capture your heart and emotions with her writing and the characters that she created. When I found out that Pamela Sparkman was going to write a book about Joe and Maggie, I thought that it was going to be hard to beat Lily and Cooper’s story. Cooper was probably one of the sweetest characters that I have ever come across. With that being said, this book far surpassed anything that I could have hoped for. Oh, I already knew that the author was extremely talented, but the story, the characters, the emotion, the beauty of it -blew my mind. When a book can make you laugh on one page and cry on the next…you know that it is amazing!

What did I like about Shattered? It would be easier to say what I didn’t like about it, because I honestly can't think of anything that I didn't like. Joe. Ahh, I love Joe. He is an inherently good guy. A guy’s guy. The friend who would tell the cheesiest jokes to bring out a smile in someone and make them feel better. A good son, brother, uncle, best friend, and charmer. Seriously, what’s not to love?!

Maggie and Joe had an immediate attraction and a connection. Everybody has a story, a past…Maggie Malone is no exception. She has guarded herself against true feelings and emotions for most of her life. If she doesn’t feel anything, she can’t be hurt. It was an easy rule to live by until she met Joe. He had a way of bringing out the very best in Maggie. He made her feel things that she never thought that she would feel with someone. She wanted to let her guard down and just be…with him.

I’m not going to delve into the nitty gritty of the book and give anything away for anyone. Read and experience it for yourselves, you won’t regret it. The dialogue, the banter, and the connection between the characters is some of the best that I have read. It was so easy to be swept up into the story; to live, hurt, and love right along with the characters.

Shattered is a very well written book that will have you emotionally invested with every turn of the page. The story is intricately woven and well thought out. It goes so far above and beyond just your average romance novel. If you are looking for a book that will tug at your heartstrings, make you laugh, cry, swoon, and just make you glad to be a reader…then this is the book for you!

*5 Amazing Stars*

Shattered (Stolen Breaths #2) 
By Pamela Sparkman &  Deanna Gohn