2 Book Lovers Reviews

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Ride On

By Gwen Cole

I’ve been on a bit of a post-apocalyptic/dystopian ride for the past few months.  When I originally saw Ride On, a post-apocalyptic western, I thought, giddy-up!

Cole doesn’t really touch on the how or the why of what happened to create this post-apocalyptic world, all we know for certain is that the sun is forever hidden behind a gray sky.  It could be one thing or another that caused it, to me, it really doesn’t matter, what really matters is what the author and characters are going to do with it.

Ride On bounces back and forth between Avery and Seph’s perspectives.  Both of these kids have had to grow up fast.  They’ve both suffered loss and adversities, their world has made them old beyond their years.  While the story is definitely YA, this thick skin and maturity made them a bit more relatable to an old pod like myself.

Ride On was a fun read.  I got to meet a couple of new friends in Avery and Seph, but I felt like I could have gone with an adult version of the story.  This is my own fault.  When I pick up a story about youngins written for youngins, I should expect certain things.  The author has to give that audience what they want and expect.

I enjoyed Ride On.  I can see that it should connect with a particular audience.  I just didn’t find what I was looking for.  Cole is a talented storyteller who should definitely stick around.

*4 Stars