Lucian Divine

By Renée Carlino

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    2 Book Lovers Reviews

There is something a bit comforting (and perhaps a bit eerie) about believing that we all have a guardian angel watching over us, making sure that we will be okay as we go about our daily lives.  I’ll be the first to admit that I’m guilty of picturing an ethereal being with white wings who symbolizes everything pure and good (a version of that angel sits on the top spire of my Christmas tree every year).  Then there’s Lucian, Renée Carlino’s version of a guardian angel.

Lucian has been a guardian angel for over two thousand years.  You would think he would know the rules by now, but knowing the rules and following them are two very different things.  Lucian is not exactly what one would expect if they were to come face-to-face with their guardian angel.  Sure, he exudes a manly beauty, he’s wise, funny, and charming, but he’s also a heavy drinker, sarcastic, and brash.  He is not the picture of perfection, he’s flawed by any human’s definition.  It’s these imperfections that make him so likable.

Evey is a good person, a great friend, and a young woman who hasn’t had much luck in the romance department. While she is on a date with a man who seems to have relationship potential, things quickly go awry.  It also happens to be on this date when she meets a bar…three sheets to the wind. 

The interactions that take place between Evey and Lucian are humorous, intense, and pretty steamy.  But with every encounter between them, the rules are getting ignored.  And with every rule that gets broken, there are consequences to the actions.  Lucian is not exactly clear on what those consequences will entail, but the Big Guy is supposed to be a big proponent of forgiveness, right?  How can falling in love be considered wrong?

I am a big fan of Renée Carlino’s writing, and this book was certainly different from what I am used to reading by her.  But with that being said, Lucian Divine still had all of the great characters, banter, tension, romance, and emotion that I have come to expect from her. I enjoyed the congruity between the human world and the angel world.  It was a captivating read that kept me entertained and interested in the story from beginning to end.  Oh, and that ending was heavenly!


*4 Stars