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This book broke my heart, filled me with hope, and rendered me speechless.  It pulled at my heartstrings from the beginning and kept me completely captivated until the very end.  I can honestly say that I was an emotional wreck for the majority of the book – I would be wiping my tears one minute and laughing the next (I think my husband was starting to worry about me).  Kyland is a well written book with memorable characters and a story that will stick with me for a long time to come.

Kyland and Tenleigh grew up in a small, poverty-stricken, coal mining community in Kentucky.  They both grew up lacking the various things that most of us take for granted on a daily basis – shoes without holes, three meals a day, a warm bed to come home to, and the safety net of a family.  The one thing that Kyland and Tenleigh did possess was the strength and determination to work hard in school to have the possibility of winning the Tyton Coal Scholarship which would enable one of them to leave the small mountainous town and pursue a university education.  They both wanted nothing more than the opportunity to make something of themselves. 

I was immediately invested in Kyland and Tenleigh’s story.  Mia Sheridan always creates characters that have a likability factor that makes the reader emotionally drawn to them.  Their deplorable living conditions, what they had to go through on a daily basis to survive, left me teary eyed for most of the book.  The ability to write such an achingly beautiful love story is what I have come to expect from this author.

Tenleigh and Kyland had an intense attraction and connection to each other, despite the fact that neither one of them wanted to get too emotionally involved before they left Dennville, Kentucky.  Kyland was adamant about not hurting Tenleigh, because he was leaving that town and never looking back.  He didn’t want anyone to get in the way of his dreams of becoming something.  He also wanted the best for her.  He always thought that she deserved more out of life than what he could give her. Of course, that is easier said than done.  They were both head over heels for one another.  They filled up the emptiness that they each felt.  

This is a book that any romance reader should absolutely read.  Tenleigh and Kyland’s relationship was certainly laden with difficulties and impossibilities, but their love story was truly amazing. The lengths that they were willing to go to for one another was the purest example of love (maybe Kyland’s decisions weren’t necessarily the best choice, but they were done out of love).

Kyland is a book about desperation, loss, hope, and love, but it is also a story about the goodness in people.  The poor inhabitants of the mountain community who had next to nothing, but who would gladly, without question, give their fellow neighbors the shirts off their backs if they needed it.  I couldn’t finish this review without giving Buster a shout out.  How could you not absolutely love this character!  I laughed out loud every time he was mentioned…with his “artwork”.

This is a beautiful love story that gave me all of the feelings that I crave when reading a book.  It is one of those books that makes me so glad to be a reader.  I will be in a book haze for days!

*5 Stars*


    2 Book Lovers Reviews

(Sign of Love) 
By Mia Sheridan