It…What can I say about It that hasn’t already been said?  Which superlatives haven’t already been used to describe Stephen King’s writing?  I’ll keep it simple and straight to the point…I loved ItIt, in my humble opinion, is one of the best books ever written.  You should really read It.  I should have read It years ago.

A thought crossed my mind several times as I was reading It.  I mentioned it to my wife, “It should be taught in high school.”  I can always count on her for a reality check, “Are you kidding?  Kids would look at that brick and see it only as a great way to kill spiders.  Most high schoolers would be too intimidated by It, you would never have read It at that age.”  And she is absolutely right, but now, x number of years later, I have and I think that has made It even more special/significant for myself.

What I loved most about the book was King’s patience.  He took me on a long leisurely stroll through the lives of the characters; he took his time to develop all of my new friends:  Bill, Eddie, Stan, Richie, Bev, Mike and Ben.  He even took his time developing my new arch enemy, Henry Bowers.  There was no rush to get to the end, toward the final confrontation.  You’re on Route 66, you’ll get there when you get there…enjoy the ride.

But beyond that, and I think that this can be appreciated even more now - thirty years after the book was written - were the windows into the past that King opened with It.  I can’t begin to tell you how many times I looked at my wife and said, “You would so not allow our kid to do that.”  Stephen King took me on a trip back through time to my own youth and far beyond that.  It was eye opening to see how different small-town America was back then compared to now.

So, there you have it.  I have read It, my first book of the new year, and God help the ones to follow.  The bar has been set.

*7 Stars​

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    2 Book Lovers Reviews


By Stephen King