2 Book Lovers Reviews

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God-Shaped Hole
By Tiffanie DeBartolo

I’ve had this book sitting on my Kindle for years.  I had read so many wonderful words and lovely reviews about this book that I decided to keep it for just the right time.  I’m not sure what or when I thought that “right time” was, but I think I just knew that this book was going to hit me hard, that it was going to be one that could potentially stay on my mind for a long time and, yes, I will admit that I may have been a little afraid and nervous about finally taking the leap into God-Shaped Hole.  But you can’t live your life in fear, right?  I’m so happy that I finally took the plunge.

This book hit all the marks.  It was smart, witty, quirky, romantic, and thought-provoking.  It was like inhaling a big breath of fresh air.  Corny?  Perhaps, but that’s exactly how it made me feel.  Right from the beginning, this book exuded a special quality that I was immediately drawn to.  From the way that Beatrice and Jacob met to their passionate relationship to the highs and lows that they endured, I was pulled into their story and never wanted to leave.

I always try to choose books that will make me feel, and this book made me feel everything.  Every thought and emotion that went through the characters was palpable.  Once I began my journey with Beatrice and Jacob, I didn’t want to put the book down.  But with that being said, I always had this sense of foreboding, an urge to keep reading mixed with a fear of what I was going to find on the upcoming pages.  I was a bundle of nerves that was just waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop and ruin me. 

I would love to ramble on about all of the great quotes that I found in the book.  I would love to dissect everything that stuck with me.  I won’t do any of that.  The only thing that I will say is that this book should be read, savored, enjoyed, and experienced by everyone.  I get it.  I get what all of the hype was about.  I only wish that I could read it again for the first time.  This is a truly unforgettable book.

*5 Stars