2 Book Lovers Reviews

Ghost Run

By J.L. Bourne

I was first introduced to J.L. Bourne’s writing several years ago.  We were on vacation, and my wife and I spent some time perusing the shelves at the local Barnes & Noble.  I found “Two Zombie Thrillers in One Volume!”  The cover immediately caught my eye and I left the store with Day By Day Armageddon, Origin to Exile and a few other great books in my hands.

J.L. Bourne’s style immediately captured my interest and hooked me on his approach.  It was unlike anything I had ever read before.  Day By Day Armageddon is not your typical narrative.  It is written as the journal of the protagonist, once the shit hits the fan.  He made me feel like Kil’s shadow as he experienced his world going to hell.

Well, now I am on book four in the series.  Needless to say, I am addicted.  I enjoyed the fact that J.L. Bourne returned to the journal approach for Ghost Run (this was abandoned in book three, Shattered Hourglass).  This style works well in Kil’s world, it is something that sets the Day By Day Armageddon series apart in the supersaturated zombie world.

What I enjoyed most about Ghost Run was the…I won’t call it development…perhaps, evolution of the protagonist, Kil.  Kil is a highly trained Navy commander, he has basic survival skills ingrained in his training; in the first few books, Kil often comes across as a zombie killing survival machine.  Now, he has some more to lose, and we see a few cracks in his Superman armor – we begin to see his kryptonite.

Ghost Run truly is an evolution in J.L. Bourne’s writing.  It stays true to the original spirit of the series, with more growth to the protagonist.  J.L. Bourne has created a world that could be filled with many more stories.

*4.5 Stars

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