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    2 Book Lovers Reviews

Breaking Skin 
By Debra Doxer

As soon as I read the synopsis for this book, my interest was piqued, but what I ended up getting was so much more than I could have hoped for.  While I was reading Breaking Skin, I didn’t want to put it down.  When I wasn’t reading it, I was still thinking about the story and the characters.  Nearing the halfway mark in the book, I began to check to see how much time remained, not because I was anxious to finish, but because I didn’t want it to end. 

As an avid reader of contemporary romance, I am always searching for a book that stands out to me, that offers up a little something different, that not only tugs at my heartstrings, but also makes me feel as though I am living the story and feeling the emotions right alongside of the characters.  Breaking Skin was that book.  Debra Doxer did an amazing job of creating these characters and writing their story.  She doesn’t just skate across the surface of the characters.  The characters are very well developed, giving the reader an insight into their thoughts and motivations.  I felt as though I knew these characters, I understood them, I wanted what was best for them.  With every turn of the page, I fell further into their lives, getting lost in the heartache and beauty of it all.

One night to escape the pain of their real lives for a little while, to forget and to just feel something good was all that Cole and Nikki were really looking for.  What began as a passionate chance encounter had left an impressionable mark on both of their hearts.  Two years later, Nikki and Cole find themselves face to face, and while their attraction to one another is ever-present, the circumstances are very different.  What happens after that?  While I would love nothing more than to delve into every little detail of this superb love story, I think that it’s essential to discover and experience it individually.

There are so many layers to this book.  It’s a story of second chances, forgiveness, perseverance, and love.  The author doesn’t take the easy road and make everything fall neatly into place.  She makes her characters and readers work for it.  There is a depth and uniqueness to the writing that pulled me in and didn’t let go until the final page was read.  Filled with romantic tension, heartbreak, and a bit of mystery, Breaking Skin had all of the elements that make me incredibly happy to be a reader.  

*5 Stars